Friday, November 6, 2009

美容 Grooming


Code: GR001 (电动磨甲器)
Price: RM79

* 最新款電動磨爪器~讓容易緊迫底抗小寵物也能安心磨爪!
* 獨特開口設計,使用、清潔超方便!更加容易!
* 一點點的輕削指甲~讓容易緊張的貓貓狗狗與主人都可以放心修剪過長的指甲!
* 指甲不飛散!不粗糙刮傷!
* 輕巧好握!容易操作!新手也能快速上手!
* 任何小動物都可以放心使用唷!
* 使用 2 個 3 號電池~可隨身攜帶,輕巧又方便(電池需自備)
* 尺寸:約 8.5 x 2.2 x 3 公分。

- 使用前請確認磨爪頭安裝是否確實
- 將開關推至『ON』,輕按出貓貓狗狗爪子前端,讓磨爪器接觸指甲輕磨
- 請磨至寵物血管前端1-2公釐處即可完畢~請勿磨過頭!
- 使用完畢請清潔磨爪器,再行收納以便下回使用!

PediPaws 宠物磨甲器
Code: GR002 (PediPaws 宠物磨甲器)
Price: RM69






PediPawsTMis the revolutionary nail trimmer for your dog or cat. It’s the newest and fastest way to keep your pet’s nails trim rounded and smooth with no mess! Now you can easily trim your pet’s nails anywhere without the pain caused by traditional nail clippers. The secret is PediPawsTM’ precision emery filing wheel that gently removes thin layers of nail to leave your pet’s paws touchably soft and your home safe from scratches. The unique protective cap allows only the perfect amount of nail to be removed and contains all the filings so there’s no mess! Start treating your pet like one of the family. You and your pet will love PediPawsTM!

Installing Batteries:

  • Always use fresh alkaline batteries.
  • Unscrew the cap counter clockwise on the bottom of PediPawsTM.
  • Insert two C batteries as indicated on the unit.
  • Securely fasten the battery cap.
Before Using PediPawsTM:

  • Before using PediPawsTM, spend some time to properly introduce the device to your pet. This will make using PediPawsTMmuch easier once it’s time to begin filing. The following steps may be helpful in making your pet more comfortable with the PediPawsTM.
  • 1. Turn on PediPawsTMand give your pet a delicious treat. Move PediPawsTMclose to your pet and give him or her enthusiastic praise.
  • 2. As necessary, repeat step 1 each day until your pet is completely comfortable around PediPawsTM.
  • 3. Now turn on PediPawsTMand have a treat ready. This time we will file the TIP of ONE of your pet’s nails. (Read the full instructions before use.) After filing, praise and reward your pet with a treat.
  • 4. Next we will do one whole paw. Alternate nails and only file each nail for a few seconds. When finished, reward your pet with praise and a treat.
  • 5. At this point your pet should be comfortable getting a full PediPawsTMpedicure. If not, there is a position to hold your pet that works even if he or she is uncooperative.
Holding Your Pet:

  • If your pet is not comfortable receiving a PediPawsTMpedicure (after the previous introduction process), you may choose from one of the following suggested approaches. Some people find it easiest to have the pet sit on your lap, while some prefer to have the pet lay on his or her side. You may decide to lay your pet on his or her back. Find a position that works best for both of you . BUT, If after the introduction period your pet is still nervous around PediPawsTM, there is a position which works the best:
  • 1. Lay your pet on his stomach and position yourself over your pet. Use your body weight and your arm reaching over the top to control your pet as shown in Figure 1.
  • 2. Begin the PediPawsTMpedicure according to the instructions.
  • 3. If your pet resists or tries to squirm away, DO NOT ALLOW IT! The struggling is only temporary. By letting your pet escape, you will reinforce this evasive behavior.
    The more assertive you are, the more comfortable your pet will become. This point is crucial: be assertive, hold your pet as described above, and complete the pedicure.
    NEVER LET HIM OR HER GO! Your pet will quickly realize that PediPawsTMis painless and will be calmed by your assertiveness.
  • 4. For the back paws use the same position as above but face the other way.
    NOTE: Only use PediPawsTMon an animal you are familiar with. Do not put your safety at risk. If an animal becomes aggressive, stop using PediPawsTMimmediately.
Trimming Your Pet’s Nails:

  • Use PediPawsTMon a soft, comfortable spot like a carpeted floor, bed or sofa.
  • 1. Take your pet’s paw and support a single nail with your thumb and forefinger. This is essential. You must always support the nail before filing. See Figure 2.
  • 2. Always make sure the orange protective cap is screwed on securely before filing. Turn on PediPawsTMand insert a nail into the opening in the orange protective cap. Start gently filing the nail. File the nail for no more than 3 to 5 seconds at a time before alternating nails. Always alternate nails. This insures your pet does not experience any discomfort due to excessive friction. Always look at the nail after every 3 to 5 second filing. This will insure you do not file too much. Over filing can result in injury to your pet. 3. Always file in a rounded motion to give the nails a smooth blunt feel.
  • 4. File the upper part of the nail in addition to just the bottom; this is the secret to a good PediPawsTMpedicure. The top portion of the nail is where most of the growth occurs and is usually the sharpest part. File the nail little-by-little until it is rounded and smooth.
How Do I KnowWhen To Stop Filing?

  • If this is your first time using PediPawsTM, be very careful not to file too much nail off. Be conservative: only round off sharp edges and obvious growths. As you and your pet become more comfortable with PediPawsTM, you may try to get closer to the quick. This is the inner part of the nail which contains nerves and a blood vessel. The reason traditional nail clipping can be so painful and bloody is because the clippers squeeze or cut through the quick. Between the hard enamel layer and the quick there is a softer leathery layer. Once you reach this layer you should stop filing. Looking at the nail from the front, you should be able to see the quick emerging from underneath the layers of enamel. Always remember to look at the nail after every 3 to 5 second filing.
After Use:

  • Turn off PediPawsTM, empty filings, wipe off with a dry cloth and store in a safe, dry location away from children. Remove batteries from PediPawsTMif it will not be used again for a period of time.
Changing Emery Filing Band:

  • 1. Turn off PediPaws and remove batteries before opening the orange protective cap.
  • 2. Unscrew the orange protective cap.
  • 3. Holding the emery barrel between your fingers firmly, loosen the single screw on the top of the emery filing band by turning the screw counter clockwise.
  • 4. Slide off old emery filing band and replace with a new one.
  • 5. Retighten screw on top of wheel.
  • 6. Screw on orange protective cap and reinsert batteries.


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